Browns Schedule Prediction

The Browns are having a contest to see if any Bowns fan can accurately predict the 2024-2025 schedule. This is at least the second year the Browns have done this contest. The winner will get a signed Myles Garrett jersey and two tickets to the season opener! The odds of predicting the 17-game schedule are pretty insane. The NFL uses thousands of simulations to get their “perfect” schedule. They take into account the many variables that could negatively affect a team, the city, or the fans of the team. NFL teams must send the league office any circumstances or other variables that are occurring at the stadium or in the city. The Browns may have one of those this year. The NFL also has some yearly trends. I will try to follow those to see if they give me any luck. 

There are some variables that we can take into account. 

  • Our first hint is that the Browns have a 50% of playing the Eagles in week 1.
  • I think the Browns could be a sleeper team to play Jacksonville in London
  • The Browns host a concert at Cleveland Browns Stadium the Friday before week two. That could mean the Browns are away in Week 2.
  • The Browns host the Cowboys, so we will not be playing them in week 12
  • Random take – I am going to call my shot that the Chiefs will host Baltimore in the season opener.

We can follow some trends as well.

  • In two of the past four seasons, the Browns have played two divisional opponents in the first three weeks. In the two seasons that this did not happen, the Browns played two divisional opponents in the three or four remaining games. All this to say, the NFL will frontload or backload some of those division games. 
  • The Browns will always play a divisional opponent in the last game of the year. 
  • The Browns received an early bye week last year. I know they did not like it that early. I think they request to push it back. Maybe they will have their Thursday night game early in the season to give them that “mini bye week.”
  • Although the Browns have more away games this year, it is highly unlikely they will have three road games in a row. I tried to put the Raiders and Saints in back-to-back games as they are the two games the Browns cross time zones. They may do this with Denver, but they did that last year.

Let’s take another look at the Brown’s opponents in 2024:

Home: Bengals, Chargers, Chiefs, Cowboys, Giants, Dolphins, Ravens, Steelers

Away: Bengals, Broncos, Commanders, Eagles, Jaguars, Raiders, Ravens, Saints, Steelers

Let’s have some fun with it and see if we can get any correct!

Week 1 – Browns @ Eagles

Week 2 – Browns @ Commanders

Week 3 – Dolphins @ Browns

Week 4 – Steelers @ Browns

Week 5 – Browns @ Jaguars 

Week 6 – Browns @ Bengals

Week 7 – Giants @ Browns

Week 8 – Browns @ Raiders

Week 9 – Browns @ Saints

Week 10 – Bye Week

Week 11 – Chiefs @ Browns

Week 12 – Browns @ Broncos

Week 13 – Bengals @ Browns

Week 14 – Browns @ Ravens

Week 15 – Chargers @ Browns

Week 16 – Browns @ Steelers

Week 17 – Cowboys @ Browns

Week 18 – Ravens @ Browns

This was more difficult than I thought! Honestly, I would be happy getting five of the games correct lol!

Go Browns!!